On May 21st 2024, Maître William Julié was invited by France24 alongside Johann Soufi, Nomi Bar-Yaacov, and Gil Mihaely to debate the arrest warrants requests made by the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, against three Hamas leaders and the Prime Minister and Defense Minister of Israel.
This exchange was the opportunity for him to recall the legal principles and procedural rules guiding the actions of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court. as well as the procedure for the emission of arrest warrants and their confirmation by the designated Pre-Trial Chamber.
Indeed, the Office of the Prosecutor may request the issuance of such warrants when it has reasonable grounds to believe crimes within the jurisdiction of the Court are or have committed. The Pre-Trial Chamber, may only confirm such warrants when it considers that there are susbtantial grounds to believe in these claims.
He welcomed the arrest warrants requests as a window of opportuniy for the access to justice, the fight against impunity and their symbolic values while highlighting the effectivity struggles they may face.