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Let’s talk about it: Whistleblowers in the seat of the accused

Maître William Julié was invited by France24's “Parlons-en” program, alongside Julie Renson Miquel and Alexis Bregere, to give details of his client Paul Watson's case and the request for his extradition to Japan. On this occasion, he reiterate...

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Paul Watson case : is activism in danger?

Maître William Julié was invited by Le Talk of Franceinfo Radio on Twitch, alongside Ainoha Pascual and Hortense Chauvin, to discuss the Paul Watson case. It was the occasion for him to provide some details on the decision to extend Paul Watson...

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Whale of an activist: ‘Entity not complying with international law is not Paul Watson but Japan’

Maître Julié, as part of the legal team defending the interests of Paul Watson, a renowned environmental activist and founder of Sea Shepherd France, commented on the prolongation of his detention by a ruling of the Nuuk District Court on 4 Septem...

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Former French first lady Carla Bruni-Sarkozy charged with witness tampering in her husband Nicolas Sarkozy’s case concerning the Libyan financing of his presidential campaign

After former French first Lady Carla Bruni-Sarkozy was charged with witness tampering in her husband Nicolas Sarkozy's case concerning the Libyan financing of his presidential campaign, Maître Julié provided some legal insight on the situation. ...

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Benjamin Netanyahu is the subject of an arrest warrant by the International Criminal Court

On 21 May 2024, Amélie Beauchemin provided further details, in particular on the consequences of the arrest warrants requested by the ICC Prosecutor, in terms of the obligations of all the State parties to the Rome Statute to cooperate and arrest,...

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PM non grata? Israel blasts ICC bid to charge both Netanyahu and Hamas

On May 21st 2024, Maître William Julié was invited by France24 alongside Johann Soufi, Nomi Bar-Yaacov, and Gil Mihaely to debate the arrest warrants requests made by the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, against three ...

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Expulsion of migrants to Rwanda: what does the UK’s controversial bill contain?

Interview with Maître William Julié for FRANCE 24 on the bill approved by the British Parliament regarding the expulsion of asylum seekers who have entered the UK illegally, to Rwanda. This discussion provided an opportunity to clarify the lega...

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Set in stone ? France enshrines abortion rights in constitution

On March 4th 2024, Maître Amélie Beauchemin was invited to France24 alongside Charlotte Minvielle, Alice Ackermann and Hélène de Lauzun to debate the recent enshrinement of the freedom to have an abortion in the French Constitution. On March 8t...

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Anti-French statements by an imam

Maître Julié discusses the Minister of the Interior's decision to withdraw the residence permit of an imam, in preparation for his expulsion. He gives a legal qualification to the imam's statements, and recalls the legal framework applicable to ex...

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France pays tribute to Badinter, ex-justice minister who fought to abolish death penalty

Maître Julié provides commentary during the national ceremony held in honor of Robert Badinter. He looks back at the legacy left by the former Minister of Justice, who dedicated his life to the fight against capital punishment.

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