Interview by Maître William Julié for France24, following the annulment decision of the Court of Justice of the European Union on 11 April 2024 regarding the sanctions imposed on two individuals placed on the lists of restrictive measures taken fo...
William Julié gave a brief comment to the Financial Times regarding the decisions of the General Court of the CJEU annuling the sanctions adopted against Mr Fridman and Mr Aven between February 2022 and March 2023. He explained that these decis...
Maître William Julié briefly commented the annulment by the Court of Justice of the European Union of the sanctions imposed by the Council of the EU against two individuals, Mr. Friedman, and Mr. Aven, in the context of the situation in Ukraine. ...
William Julié was interviewed by the EUobserver about the Firm's sanctions work. This discussion was the occasion for him to comment on specific technical points regarding the practices of the Council of the European Union and the Court of Just...
Following the publication of the article ‘La police confirme les financements russes d'Alexandre Benalla’ by the newspaper Médiapart, naming Mr Farkhad Akhmedov, a client of the Firm, as ‘an oligarch with a whiff of sulphur’ and ‘close to Vladimir...
William Julié appeared before the Court of Justice of the European Union in the proceedings for annulment of the decision of the Council of the European Union's decision to include the Mr Arkady VOLOZH's name on the list of sanctions imposed follo...
William JULIÉ discussed, in tandem with his colleague Antoine GAUTIER-SAUVAGNAC, the situation of their client, Mr AKHMEDOV. He also pointed out the implementation of a strategy to circumvent the power of judges by the Council of the European Unio...